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Anteprima dell’esame di laurea: nella hall di un albergo di San Marino André Martinet mi interroga a lungo (e sua moglie prende appunti), per testare le mie conoscenze e, credo, le mie convinzioni sulla linguistica, prima di concedermi l’intervista che gli avevo chiesto per la tesi, come suggerito dal mio relatore, il professor Poli. E’ […]

Questioni di cuore, ma non solo

Pubblicato: 22 settembre 2013 in

E aveva un solco lungo il viso, come una specie di sorriso Parole pesanti Gli scemi Lo spazio delle parole è delle parole Il panorama qui è meraviglioso (bisogna che ce ne innamoriamo) Lontani con gli occhi, vicini col cuore Valanga ti guardo, e ti aspetto all’arrivo Nata il 5 luglio Per le mamme I […]

Conversazione con André Martinet

Pubblicato: 20 settembre 2013 in

Introduzione – Equilibrio dinamico: è tutto qui 1- Communication is our basic relevancy 2 – Language articulates what we feel in a succession of items 3 – How to describe a language 4 – Choosing words 5 – Amalgamations 6 – Semiotics 7 – Economy 8 – La Societé Internationale de Linguistique Fonctionelle 9 – We don’t care about […]

Conversazione con André Martinet What role do you think linguistics has today and what do you think its role will be in the future? There was a period in which it was necessary to describe a number of languages which had been so far been spoken, but never written and which were unknown. That was […]

Conversazione con André Martinet What is your position in respect to Leonard Bloomfield? Bloomfield has a number of things which are commendable and which Europeans should know, because his work is not very wide, it is not very broad minded, but it is pretty good, in the sense that he sticks to realities and there […]

Conversazione con André Martinet Do you think your move to the United States helped you in some way to develop your theory and your personality as a linguist? Not much, you see, because I went there for something very different. I was more or less connected with the International Auxiliary Languages Association. For some reason […]

Conversazione con André Martinet What brought you in contact with Saussure? My contacts with Saussure… they were relatively late. I told you about the fact that I invented phonology when I was a kid, but I had to wait until other people gave me the words for expressing what I knew. With Saussure it’s about […]