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English: a miniature Danish-Norwegian-French d...

Conversazione con André Martinet

What role do you think linguistics has today and what do you think its role will be in the future?

There was a period in which it was necessary to describe a number of languages which had been so far been spoken, but never written and which were unknown. That was the Twentieth Century. But it became more striking about 1940. I have been directing descriptions of languages throughout these last decades. That was very important at a certain period, to give good descriptions of the languages, without being influenced by translations into French, Italia, english, etc., just considering the language itself. So, that was something very important. Now, the needs are not so pressing in that direction and what would be the interest of linguistics? Well, I would say sciences… it is always important to know more about things, in general, and after all language is an important feature of mankind, therefore the more we know about languages, the more, I think, we know about the world, about men. Therefore it should be very important for educated people to have some smattering of linguistics and of course they don’t have it. Of course there is also more than that.

People have to learn languages. Take the case of Europe: at present there is a pressure exerted by people. Take for example the French. They resent, of course, the weakening of the position of France in the international market. In the old days, for example, when I first visited Italy, when I came across people, they spoke French and everybody understood French, with no problem. Gradually it has been replaced by English. As far as I am concerned, it doesn’t make any difference, but the French generally resent. They have, all of a sudden, to reconsider the problem, particularly within European frame, the frame of new Europe. It would be a pity, let’s say, if ten languages out of twelve would disappear. Therefore it is necessary to preserve the present regulation, according to which each of the languages of every one of the twelve European countries is good, whether it is a small country or a large one: Danish or modern Greek are just as good as English, french or German. That means, of course, that people will have to learn languages. I’m the president of a Society of that sort and I’m supposed to act in favor of that, to stress the necessity of learning languages, of having in kindergartens a representative of some other language, any other language… say, for example, you could have a Dane coming to an Italian school and speaking Danish to the children, just in order to make them understand that the words are not the things. The advantage of the knowledge of more than one language is that you become conscious that this is not un lit or a bed, un let to, but this is an object, which can receive different names. It is very important. So, just one language to start with is good. Just any language would be fine. Of course you couldn’t have many Danes running around Europe, because there are fewer Danes than Italians, but you would have a number of Danes and it would be very good for a child to know Danish, because if you know it in a country like Italy or French, etc., you get jobs. Now, I don’t believe myself that learning a language that way is sufficient. My formula is: you forget a language in just the time which was necessary for you to learn it. We’d been invited to Romania with my wife and we were invited to live in a castle and we had the room of queen Mary. We were not supposed to do anything, just to live there. It was very boring, so we decided to attend classes to learn Romanian. So, we learnt it. We had just two weeks there. We had to go away because we had to go to America to the Congress, a linguistics congress (it was on the 6th of June). Finally, we could say things in Romanian. We’d had a good teacher and we finally could mange to say a few words, we were able to enter a shop and talk with people. But the, two weeks later, everything had been wiped out, nothing was left of that. In other words, if children just learn some elements of the language at school, little will remain of the language permanently. They will have to reconsider and re-learn, carry on the learning of the language and that should go together with the teaching, in all of the schools of Europe, some disciplines in a language other than the national one. in all Italian schools you’d have people teaching history, mathematics, etc. in Italian, but there could be a man who would teach one discipline in English, or French, or German, or, maybe, Danish etc.: just another language, to carry on with that contact with the foreign language. The result would be that, towards the age of eleven, people would more or less know a language, have impressions of a given language. And later on they would, from the age of eleven, learn the third language. Well, understandably the position of English being what it is, English would quite normally be included in the three languages, but not necessarily. For example, there was something once: people in France, somewhere in the South-West, quite close to the spanish border, were told that children at school would get instruction in another language. What should that language be? Now, the proportions were 40-41% for Spanish, and 39% for English. Just about the same, but not quite. A significant fact is that, even today, English would not be automatically chosen on that level. In French schools now English carries the day for about 85%.

It would be a very unpleasant situation if all the cultural variety of Europe disappeared with its variety of languages. Just imagine a Europe were everybody would speak English… and what sort of English! I’m all in favor of maintaining the linguistic variety of Europe. And, it is quite true, that for the world in general these days English is a must. But within Europe you can very well imagine a situation where English can be a choice among others.

Leggi gli altri post dell’intervista:

André Martinet/1 Communication is our basic relevancy

André Martinet/2 Language articulates what we feel into a succession of items

André Martinet/3 Pregiudizi linguistici

André Martinet/4 Cosa c’è dietro le parole

André Martinet/5 La lingua non è simmetrica

André Martinet/6 A volte le parole non bastano

André Martinet/7 Armonia è economia

André Martinet/8 La Societé Internationale de Linguistique fonctionnelle

André Martinet/9 We don’t care about deep structures

André Martinet/10 L’importanza del punto di vista

André Martinet/11 Naturaliter Sauxurianus

André Martinet/12 Word vs Language

André Martinet/13 Reconstruction is dynamic

credits foto Wikimedia Commons

Conversazione con André Martinet

Ferdinand De Saussure

Ferdinand De Saussure

What brought you in contact with Saussure?

My contacts with Saussure… they were relatively late. I told you about the fact that I invented phonology when I was a kid, but I had to wait until other people gave me the words for expressing what I knew. With Saussure it’s about the same. You see, I had a feeling about language, which more or less coincided with what Saussure had to say.

I was in no need to read Saussure in order to understand what people wrote in the wake of what Saussure had written. So, I don’t think I’ve read the whole of the Cours de linguistique générale before the age of… twenty-two or twenty-three.

Twenty-two is the time when I got my agrégation, that is when I finished my routine work at University and I could think by myself, because in French Universities, in order to get a job, you have to go trough a sort of discipline, in order to study a number of things which you are not very interested in, just because you have to do it. My choice had been English, so I had to pass l’agrégation d’anglais, which is a kind of safety for life. If you get l’agrégation the French State owes you a job, which is very nice. I thought I would get a job abroad, some place, anywhere, and I didn’t do anything. I just waited for people who were interested in found me a job, somewhere in Czechoslovakia or in Berlin or in Moscow, etc…

So, on the 29th September (and school was supposed to begin the 1st of October) I just noticed that I had no job and I didn’t want to carry on living with my mother paying for everything. I decided I had to take advantage of my agrégation. I went to the Ministery of Education and said: “I didn’t ask for a job in August, but now I want a job”. “Oh – they said – we are very sorry, we have very little to offer”… just the day before! “We have a chair of English in the Lycée de Pontivy“, which is a very, very, very small place in Brittany, which happens to have a licée, because Napoleon had decided to make it the military centre of Brittany. And it did last, because Napoleon didn’t last. Pontivy has got just a lycée and nothing else. I went to Pontivy, I got there in time and got the room and the next day I received a letter from the Ministry of Education starting: “Monsieur Martinet, appointed to professor, etc. etc., in the Lycée de Pontivy…”. I said “All right, that’s my nomination” and I put it in my pocket without reading further. And three days later, as I was walking in the street, all of a sudden, I puuled my paper out of my pocket and read trough and it was an invitation to leave Pontivy for another place, to go to Poitiers, which is a much larger place. So, I was just a bit late. I had to cancel all my things.

Well, anyway, that’s the agrègation, but of course for the agrégation of English there was no mention of Linguistics. It was pure pure literature, with twelve authors: all of them pure literary authors. I was very much interested, but that was not my job. I was a linguist. To this day I remember some passages, but I knew very well I was not meant for that. My basic interest was different, so, as soon as I got that safety which the agrégation means, I started reading in linguisitics and this I could do much better in Poitiers than I could have done in poor Pontivy. That was a good promotion and in the following year I got a job in Berlin. I got an appointment in the French University in Berlin, where I just had to work on my thesis.

Raffaele Simone writes that Saussure’s theory is a “metatheory” for all twentieth century linguists. Do you agree with him?

I wouldn’t say so, because he was practically unknown in America. Linguistics in America developed quite independently of Saussure’s influence. When I came to America no one had read Saussure, you see, so he didn’t play a role in my teaching in America. I hadn’t to go trough Saussure in the way I wouldl have done in Europe, so I wouldn’t say so. It’s quite true that on the European scene, with the exception of England, Saussure was the anticipator of the structuralist school, but my linguistics had developed independently of Saussure.

I just met Saussure. Just like I did with the Prague people: I just met them and retained suggestions from them, because, at the age of twenty-two, I couldn’t start inventing words, so I had to have someone to give some leads and those I found in Prague. I came into contact with the Prague people and with Saussure at about he same time.

And I would say at a certain point I knew the Prague pattern before I had made clear what the Saussure pattern was. It came gradually. Therefore Tullio De Mauro writes somewhere* that among present-day linguists I’m the one who is  the best Saussurian. And I think he’s right. I don’t go around quoting Saussure the way people do, but basically it is quite true: I am the man who had been thinking in Saussure’s terms to a large extent before I met Saussure. Therefore, when I met him, I didn’t have to change things.

In other words, I would say, I have always been independent and that is the reason for which some people don’t like me. They don’t, because I do not fit in the picture. They just think I am kind of superior: I’m not, not at all. I know very well that it would have been much better for me, for my career, if I had read the others more than I did and if I had been more accessible, maybe, to other’s people influence. But as a matter of fact, all this had gone so naturally with me, that I was not tempted to change my vision, except in order to receive suggestions, terminological suggestions.

In other words, I didn’t feel I really had to reconsider all the problems from the point of view of the people I read. I just thought that the people I was reading had had interesting hints, which just tallied with what I thought. I don’t mean to say that I’m cleverer than other people: I’m just like that. It has been easier for me todo so. But what is the disadvantage? Throughout my career people have thought that I was kind of haughty and didn’t want to mix with people ant to accept other people’s ideas.

*Martinet 1988, Sintassi generale, VIII: “…uno studioso che, dai suoi esordi, si andava rivelando  naturaliter Sauxurianus, come appunto Martinet, parimenti impegnato nelle analisi concrete descrittive o diacroniche, nella determinazione di leggi e caratteri generali e nella discussione critica delle teorie”.

Leggi gli altri post dell’intervista:

André Martinet/1 Communication is our basic relevancy

André Martinet/2 Language articulates what we feel into a succession of items

André Martinet/3 How to describe a language

André Martinet/4 Choosing words

André Martinet/5 Amalgamations

André Martinet/6 Semiotics

André Martinet/7 Economy

André Martinet/8 La Societé Internationale de Linguistique fonctionnelle

André Martinet/9 We don’t care about deep structures

André Martinet/10 Focus on Communication